Thursday, March 18, 2010

Guerrero's + 1

Our year has been great! After getting married we've been enjoying our newly decorated place and having so much fun with eachother as husband and wife.
Valentine's Day and Mike's birthday was right around the corner. February was going to be a busy month.
I started dogsitting for some members in February. Saturaday February 13th was no average day. I woke up and felt different. I knew what was coming! So I took the test and yes it was positive! :) That's right! You know what that means. I held in my excitment the whole day and didn't even wake Mike to tell him.
He got off work and came over to where I was dogsitting. There was a little blue bag waiting for him to open. I told him it was an early Valentine's Day/Birthday/special occassion present.
He opened and this is what he found...

a baby Nike beanie and there were also some white booties (one pair for a boy and one for a girl).
As you can see he was so happy, his eyes are teary! :) Ah how cute and what a special moment for us!

Parents to be!

Since then we tried to wait to tell people until after the first trimester but that didn't happen. We were too excited!
I've been feeling not so great...but I know in the end it's well worth it. I just hope my doctor's right when she says the sickness will go away after the first trimester. Oh I'm praying so! :)
Until then, I'm trying to enjoy it all. What a blessing from God...Thank you Lord!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hey rachel, sorry i deleted the last comment...wasn't sure if you would know it was from me (lisa). all it said was CONGRATS!!!!! i'm soooo happy for you!!!

  3. So happy for you guys! Now your baby will be able to grow up with his/her cousins . . . good timing:-)
    Ed and Lydia Peek

  4. WAAAAHOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm so excited for you guys and so happy we will be close by. I can't wait to meet my newest little niece/nephew!! Love you!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS! What an exciting time for you both! I'm sure you will be wonderful parents and Caleb will love having another friend to play with. Can't wait to see you Rachel and give you a big hug.
