Saturday, December 26, 2009

Our First Christmas

We spent Christmas Eve celebrating with Dad and Linda and her family. We did a gift exchange and for some reason everyone wanted ALL the gifts I kept getting. I did end up with some nice dessert plates and Mike got a fishing pole he really wanted! We also played Left, Right,Center which was fun. Thanks Dad!
Christmas Day we went to Uncle Jay & Aunt Rosie's house in Pueblo. We had a great time visiting with everyone. Then we went to Aunt Nina & Uncle Lawrence's house. It's always a great time. They all sing and dance and have lots of fun!

Our Christmas Tree!

At Dad's house on Christmas Eve

The Tarts I was my first time!

Tony Brito (a long long time family friend), Uncle Jay & Grandma Ersie

Mike and his grandparents

At Aunt Nina's House
Mike & his cousins

Aunt Nina & Uncle Lawrence

We had a great 1st Christmas! Mike and I went to The Gathering for Christmas Eve service. It was a very nice and truly focused on God's gift to us...His Son Jesus! The Pastor talked about the 4 parts of the Christmas season and what Christ brings to us...Love, Peace, Hope & Joy. Only through Christ may we experience these in full. I am thankful and count my blessing this Christmas to have Christ as my savior. May we all find these blessings in full through Christ!
I loved our first Christmas and look forward to many many more!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

So much to be Thankful for

Thanksgiving...How amazing it is to think of all the wonderful things to be thankful for.
An amazing family...a dad who would do anything for his loved ones. A mom who gives so much of her time and herself; a friend to have fun with. Wonderful sisters who are my best friends and such amazing inspirations to me. A godly husband who amazes me by his faith and love for me! I'm blessed to have a job in this economy and to have a nice place to live. A Savior who died so I could live! I can go on and on...
Take time to be thankful! :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Settling In

Welcome to our family blog!
Here's what we've been up to...
After our Wonderful and Perfect Wedding!...

We are now settling into married life and getting back to reality. Enjoying one another and our new roles as husband and wife! I'm still getting used to having a new name and in the process of changing all my documents, credit cards, license, etc...

I have the best husband ever and am so blessed!

I love you babe :)

Our Honeymoon!

Here's Mike being silly on Halloween

Since we have been back from our honeymoon, I had been threatening to cut my hair.
I'd been growing it for about 4 years and I thought it was about time for a change. Every time I went to get it cut the place was so busy I never had a chance. Finally Saturday after work I went but I whimped out and only got a little trim. Monday Mike wanted to get his haircut so I went along and decided to just go for it!